School for Sonic Memory
What is the shared space that is created through exchange between three cities across the Mediterranean, the ways sonic memories are carried between, and resonate within them? We propose to investigate and create heritage through active processes of creative remembering, as we move between places that echo within us.
As part of the “Alexandria: (Re) Activating Common Urban Imaginaries” project, Theatrum Mundi and ONASSIS STEGI are producing a pluri-disciplinary nomadic residency program exploring sound, memory and trans-Mediterranean resonances. Together, and in collaboration with local artists, urbanists and researchers, the 6 participants will form a ‘school’ for sonic memory, investigating the ways that three cities across the mediterranean resonate with one another, how elements of a connected and conflictual past are made audible within them
The project “Alexandria: (re)activating common urban imaginaries” (ALEX) aims to take a fresh look at the many challenges faced by the arts and heritage sectors, through the symbolic and historical prism of the city of Alexandria and its influences on urban development in the Mediterranean and beyond. More information here.
The selected artists will join a 6-month production process, based around 3 one-week creative research residencies in Athens, Marseille and Alexandria. Public assemblies will take place in Athens in summer 2022 and in Marseille in spring 2023