Making collective values visible
A co-organised event with weareherevenice bringing a community forum into the ‘Finnisage’ of the 2012 Venice Biennale for Architecture, this event sought to understand what brings life to a city, particularly in its public places and asks how these might be better arranged, organised and designed. Architects and town planners together with activists, community groups, scientists and artists – examined Venice’s potential and resources in the 21st century.
10.00 Global perspectives: finding common ground
Liza Fior muf architecture/art
Adam Kaasa Theatrum Mundi/London School of Economics
Elke Krasny Hands-On Urbanism
Michelle Provoost (TBC) Crimson Architectural Historians
Venice in perspective: finding affinities
Jane da Mosto and Michela Scibilia – weareherevenice
11.00 Collective values: thematic focus groups
Reclaiming abandoned spaces
Revitalising green spaces
Growing culture and citizens
Producing affordable housing
12.45 Feedback, conclusions and next steps