Scoring the City- Online Platform

  • Date
    • 20 November 2020
  • Format

We are pleased to present,,  a new online platform showcasing research produced throughout 2019, across four very different cities with common challenges: London, Paris, Belfast and Beirut.This experiment at the intersection of urbanism and experimental music takes inspiration from graphic scores in music as dynamic forms that could offer new ways of notating the relationship between design ideas, built form, and social life: in other words, between scoring and performing urban space.

The project was conceived and led jointly by Gascia Ouzounian (University of Oxford / Recomposing the City) and John Bingham-Hall (Theatrum Mundi) with research and coordination support from Fani Kostourou (Theatrum Mundi) and Conor McCafferty (Queen‘s University Belfast). It is funded by The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities, and was supported in kind by London College of CommunicationPlateau Urbain, and Belfast Harbour Commissioners.

Scoring the City follows previous collaborations between Theatrum Mundi and Recomposing the City: the Acoustic Cities Study Day, the Beirut-London exchange workshop Urban Soundscape and the Politics of Memory, and a subsequent edition published by Optophono, Acoustic Cities: London & Beirut.