Polyvocality: On the inhumanness of voice


Eleni Ikoniadou first delivered this lecture at the Theatrum Mundi Sonic Urbanism conference in Paris in 2019. Unable to be in the room, she spoke via a recording, echoing the separation of body and voice by mechanical and technological processes that were to be the very subject of her talk. Listen to the lecture here in full, or in four parts. 

“The Manufacture of Edison’s Talking Doll” (Fragment) from Scientific American, April 26, 1890, cover page. Image: Public Domain

Polyvocality: On the inhumanness of voice [full piece]

Part One


Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

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  1. Adriana Cavarero, For More Than One Voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression,
    (Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2005).
  2. Thomas A. Edison, “The Phonograph and Its Future”, The North American Review, Vol.126,
    No. 262, (May-Jun 1878), pp 527-536.
  3. H.P. Lovecraft, “The Whisperer in Darkness” in H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories, (London, Penguin Classics, 1999).
  4. Alex Borkowski, “Song of the Digital Flesh: Vocal Manipulation and our Cyborg Selves”, The Quietus, May 15, 2014, available online at: thequietus.com/articles/15223-vocal-manipulation-holly-herndon-burial-katie-gately (Last accessed 23.07.20).
  5. Ibid.
  6. Alastair Cameron and Eleni Ikoniadou, “’Specific Dissonances’ A Geopolitics of Frequency”
    in Sanne Kroger Groth and Holger Schulze (eds.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art, (London, Bloomsbury, 2020), p.358.
  7. Fred Moten & Saidiya Hartman, “Fugitivity and Waywardness”, talk given at Tramway, Glasgow, Sep 27, 2014. Accessible online: arika.org.uk/archive/items/episode-6-make-way-out-no-way/fugitivity-and-waywardness
    (Last accessed 14.07.20).
  8. Ibid.
  9. Philip Brophy, “From Breath To Death”, Post‑Human Vocalization, available online: philipbrophy.com/projects/posthumanvocalization/list.html (Last accessed 14.07.20).
  10. Donna J Haraway, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, (Durham University Press, 2016).