This audio compilation accompanies the book Interior Realms, and is a testament to how interior architectural spaces shape music production and how that music, in turn, transforms architecture’s atmospheric qualities.
The ten tracks invite you to enter ten unknown interior realms: a dimly lit living room in Skopje in Flora Pitrolo’s Toa e Toa, a narration of her encounter with Elektro Kultura to the sound of his nocturne Instrumental; a house in Glasgow on a languid Sunday afternoon in Cucina Povera’s cupboard recording Aletaan; a houseboat on the River Lea where, as if performing an animist ritual, Charlotte Law plays guitar to a mineral in The Stone (See the prose poem under the same title by Meghana Bisineer and Charlotte Law on page 50 of the book); a Dionysian night out at a London warehouse party with John Bingham-Hall in Queer Hearing (The audio recording complements Pol Esteve Castelló’s essay, see page 134 of the book); a journey on a night bus in ENDGAME’s track TRST RIDDIM (See the interview with ENDGAME on page 156 of the book); to the final destination – Five Rooms at the End of the World, where Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh reads his essay (see page 78 of the book) on nocturnal storytelling to the evocative soundscapes created by William Messenger.
Made in different configurations of domestic space, and without the need for a recording studio or high-end equipment, this compilation strives to embody the spirit of intimacy found in homemade productions intended for consumption in solitary chambers or in the anonymity of the dancefloor after dark.
1 – Instrumental (Toa e Toa version) by Flora Pitrolo & Elektro Kultura
2 – Aletaan by Cucina Povera
3 – The Stone by Charlotte Law
4 – Queer Hearing by John Bingham-Hall
6 – Five Rooms at the End of the World by Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh & William Messenger
6.1 First Night
6.2 Second Night
6.3 Third Night
6.4 Fourth Night
6.5 Fifth Night
Released March 26, 2021
Curated by Andrea Cetrulo
Mastered by William Messenger