For the second instalment of Hybrids, Theatrum Mundi programme curator Andrea Cetrulo is joined by David Monroe: sybarite, associate professor of Applied Ethics at St. Petersburg College in Florida, and former chef. They discuss the work of relatively obscure French author Michel Serres, who wrote extensively about the phenomenology of taste, culinary aesthetics, and wine, and conceptualised the figure of the parasite to describe relationships between humans, humans and non-humans and amongst non-human entities. What can a bottle of good wine tell us about the local and the universal? How can taste teach us how to live a good life and become more discerning in our everyday choices? What is the philosophy of mingled bodies? And, is every relationship in this world fundamentally ‘parasitic’?
Curated and hosted by Andrea Cetrulo
Illustration by Sophie Rogers for Theatrum Mundi
Design by Marcos Villalba
Sound Editor: William Messenger