Processes of Attunement: A Walk Along London’s Riverbank


Picture by Hannah Thual

Theatrum Mundi programme curator Andrea Cetrulo, visual artist Chiara Ambrosio, and writer Labeja Kodua Okullu, invite you for a walk along the Thames riverbank to attune to the city’s material and atmospheric infrastructure.

The walk will take place in The City of London, which has experienced a major shift in working practices perhaps more acutely than other parts of the capital, and where interior spaces have been turned inside out, rendering visible what was previously overlooked, and creating a new territory with the marginal at the centre. Such is the riverbank, accessible only twice a day – according to the tidal calendar – and through specific entry points, as Chiara Ambrosio points out: ‘If you happened to only walk on the riverbank at high tide, you might never imagine that a whole other world existed below the surface of the murky water, and that you might become a part of it.’

The event coincides with the recent publication of the book Interior Realms (Theatrum Mundi Editions, London, 2021), a collection of new writing across prose and poetry, exploring the myriad of dimensions of domestic space in cities, and their diverse configurations.

Along the way, we will make a few stops to read poetry and connect to the immediate surroundings. The walk will also encourage you to tune into another way of looking, shifting perspectives, as we kneel on the shingle at the riverbank and engage with the objects that the river brings back with each tide – artefacts that have been conserved or transfigured through time and water – opening possibilities for reimagining the past, reconfiguring the presents, and speculating about the future of the city.